How do I sell my timber?
Selling your timber is a process, and we are here to guide you through that process.
Our 40 years of experience with hundreds of timber sales and knowledge of the timber market enables us to locate the best potential buyers for your timber quickly and at full market value.
The Process (what we do):
- Mark and collect GPS data on all external sale boundaries
- Establish Streamside Management Zones (SMZ’s)
- Complete a timber appraisal (timber cruise) to establish fair market value
- Prepare a timber sale prospectus with all of the information that buyers need
- Mail or email the prospectus to 40+ reputable timber buyers
- Manage the bid opening
- Prepare timber conveyance contract after a successful bid opening
- Inspect harvesting operations weekly
- Ensure that roads are repaired and BMP’s are followed
- “Close out” the sale
- Coordinate reforestation (replanting) if desired
Click on the video below to see of one of our company founders, Monty McKinley, as he explains the timber sale process at an Alabama Forest Owners Association meeting.