Reforestation is the most crucial step in establishing a new timber stand!
That’s why at McKinley and Lanier, we don’t cut corners when it comes to reforestation. We know that the future growth and productivity of a timber stand is heavily dependent on proper reforestation. Our goal is to do it right the first time! There are many tools and techniques that we use to ensure a fully stocked, healthy stand at reforestation:
- Site-specific Herbicide Prescriptions: We inspect every tract, and base our herbicide prescriptions on what we see growing on the site. No cookie-cutter prescriptions here. Controlling competing vegetation is a high priority.
- Site Preparation Burning: Whether the goal is natural pine control, brush reduction, or logging slash reduction; we know that fire can be an effective tool when used properly.
- High Quality Seedlings: We ensure that our contractors use high quality, genetically improved seedlings. Future growth rates and tree quality can be greatly improved by planting genetically improved seedlings.
- Contractor Auditing: We conduct tree planting and seedling survival field audits on all of our reforested stands to ensure that it’s done right the first time. We also monitor spray coverage and effectiveness during these activities.
Our clients can rest assured that we are on site, monitoring and auditing contractors to ensure that all work meets contract specifications.